Friday, June 27, 2008

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What is Successful Achievement of Maximum Health?

By: Carol Biondo

Gone are "the good old times," when people were rugged and strong in the way that savages are rugged and strong, for evolution has decreed that man shall change into a higher and more nervous and sensitive type. In this sensitive type wrong thoughts and emotions quickly produce pain and suffering. The majority of people do not know what it is like to successfully achieve maximum health. Not only do they suffer from minor ailments, such as headaches, indigestion, rheumatism, but they also never feel hearty or completely well. They are strangers to the joy of living. Life does not thrill them: nothing quickens their blood: they have no moments of vivid ecstasy—in other words, they do not live, they merely exist at a poor dying rate.

Again, the majority of people are susceptible to infectious diseases and epidemics, yet, if they were really well, they would be immune. Instead, however, of seeking immunity through successful achievement of maximum health, they are seeking it through the use of vaccines and serums, thus adding to the burdens which the body has to bear. All attempts in this direction are bound to end in failure, not success, for as fast as one disease is suppressed another one will appear.

Many people look upon disease and sickness as inevitable, yet the truth is that health is the normal state and ill-health an abnormality. In tracing back ill-health to its source, we find, first of all, that it is due to disobedience of natural law. Large numbers of people break nearly every known natural law of health, and are surprised that they become ill. Yet the wonder is that they are as well as they are. Yet, while obedience to nature’s laws and the use of nature-cure methods will carry us a certain part of the way, we find that there must be causes even deeper than those which are physical. We are confronted by the fact that there are many people who obey every known physical law of health, who bathe, exercise, breathe, eat and drink scientifically, who adopt nature-cure methods instead of drugs and serums, who yet cannot successfully achieve maximum health. Therefore we must search deeper and go to the mind in order to discover the cause of ill-health.

When we look at the mind we find a prolific cause of sickness. Man thinks himself into ill-health and disease. It is well known that thinking about disease and sickness produces them in the body. People who are for ever thinking about disease, illness, operations and other morbid subjects, become prey to these things. Those who believe that sickness is inevitable, manifest it in their life. Morbid thinking produces a morbid state of the body, causing it either to fall an easy prey to infection or to break down into chronic ill-health, or even disease. Allowing the thoughts to dwell upon morbid things is a sure way to sickness and invalidism, and successfully achieving maximum health is beyond reach.

Man is not only made ill by his own negative thoughts and emotions, he is also under the hypnotic spell of the race mind. "The God of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not." We are all under the spell, more or less, of a huge illusion. The evil, disease, sickness and other imperfections that we see and experience, have no reality, in reality, but have an existence in unreality. Although they are not real in a real sense, yet they are terribly real to this present limited consciousness. By realizing the truth, and by thinking and living in its light and power, the hypnotic spell becomes broken, not completely, else we should not grow old, but to such an extent that a state of greatly improved health can be successfully achieved.

2 Corinthians 4:4 Satan, the god of this evil world, has blinded the minds of those who don't believe, so they are unable to see the glorious light of the Good News that is shining upon them.

We are also hypnotically affected by suggestion, which reaches us from a thousand different sources. The conversations of friends and acquaintances, newspapers, magazines, books, all affect us adversely. Their beliefs in disease and sickness as realities, and in its inevitableness, influence us unless we have become too positive to be affected. From innumerable sources it is subtly suggested to us that disease, sickness, infection are realities that cannot be evaded, and to which we are prone. The effect of all this, putting it in simple and elementary language, is to divert the life power into wrong channels, thus producing disease and ill-health in place of perfection. The normal state of health has to give place to an abnormal state of disease or sickness. It is by realizing the Truth and the perfection of the Reality, by living in God’s light and power, that our thoughts cease to be negative and based on error and illusion and maximum health is successfully achieved.

It is often said that ill-health is the result of sin. It is, for thinking about disease, sickness and ill-health, believing them to be inevitable, is one of the greatest of sins. The way of life is to walk (think and act) after the Spirit (which is perfect, whole, immortal and incorruptible) and not after the flesh (corruption, disease, sickness, death). By thinking "after the flesh" we dishonor God who is absolute Wholeness and Perfection, and cut ourselves off from the Divine Life and Power.

Galatians 5:16 So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.

But there are other ways by which wrong thinking destroys the health. Indulging in thoughts of hate, resentment, ill-will, fear, worry, grief, and anxiety, produces ill-health, and, by lowering the tone of the body, lays it open to infection and disease. We therefore see that the state of the mind and the character of the thoughts are important factors which cannot be ignored. It is useless to treat either ill-health or disease if they are merely the external effects of hidden causes of the mind. In order to successfully achieve maximum health we have to get back to the cause of the trouble.

Carol Biondo, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Carol can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. For more information visit : Success

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Fighting Against Skin Cancer and Finding Treatment In Denver

By: Denver Derm

Some people may think that Denver is immune from skin cancer as a problem because it is in the mountains and has a real winter. Skin cancer is a problem that happens around the beach or in places where the sun shines all the time. But, Denver residents can be damaged by the sun and get on the road to skin cancer. But, those people who have found out that they have to fight against this shouldn’t worry, but instead feel very lucky. Because of the dermatologists who work in the Denver area and the treatments they have at their disposal, someone with skin cancer is able to work with their local doctors and get some of the best treatment anywhere.

The First Step, Being Preventative All Year Against Sun Damage

There may be a numbing to the problems of skin cancer and sun damage during those long winter nights that Denver has to deal with. But as long as the sun is out, there is still a risk of damage and the potential of skin cancer. That’s why you need to be able to keep yourself safe during the year by:

• Make sure you put sun screen on every day if you are going to be outside and keep it reapplied if you need to.

• Keep on long sleeve shirts and long pants on days you are out in the sun.

• Protect your face by wearing a wide-brim hat.

If there is any sun damage on a day you don’t keep yourself totally safe from, you need to get to a good Denver dermatologist as soon as you can. You need to get checked yearly as a good preventative measure too.

Where is The Best Skin Cancer Treatment In Denver?

People with skin cancer or those who think they may be developing it (through a suspicious mole perhaps) need to be sure they are getting to a qualified dermatologist who can give them advice on what kind of treatment they need next. These doctors have enough experience that they are able to give knowledgeable treatment recommendations and direct the patient to one of the many dermatologists in the Denver area with the training and techniques to help with skin cancer.

The doctors a patient will see in Denver area have been trained on cutting-edge procedures which deliver the newest knowledge and treatment of skin cancer. A patient doesn’t need to look around the country for help with their skin damage. Denver dermatologists have what it takes.

Some Examples of Advanced Skin Cancer Treatment In Denver

There shouldn’t be too much worry when you first get a diagnosis of skin cancer. That’s not just because the great dermatologists in the Denver area, but because many of types of skin cancer can be treated effectively if they are found early enough. When they are, they will be tackled by some of the best trained doctors anywhere. And those doctors will be able to put these new and exciting treatments to use against skin cancer. As a patient, you should ask about them:

• Melanoma Treatment in Denver. Melanoma may be the most serious type of skin cancer, but for the most part if it is caught early and understood properly by the doctor, it is cured about 100 percent of the time. If you are a patient, you will want your doctor to be able to recognize it first and foremost, that’s a key to the proper care you will be needed. Always be looking for a doctor who is accurate with his abilities to spot specific types of skin cancer.

•Mohs Surgery in Denver. While you may not have heard of Mohs surgery, as a skin cancer patient it is vital that you know about it. Mohs surgery is nothing short of one of the most cutting edge types of treatment for skin cancer. It is used to treat some of the more common forms of the disease giving patients the ability to get their cancer removed, analysis and the problems reconstructed in one trip to the doctors. And they are able to do this without having to go to sleep or lose their grip on what is being done to them. Mohs surgery is fast, but it also works for patients. The many people who are dealing with this skin illness in the Denver area will want to look into Mohs surgery.

Treating Melanoma and introducing Mohs surgery into the mix are two of the most important ideas a Denver skin specialist can put forward to their patients. These patients will want to have advance techniques in their treatment, sure, but they also want to know whether or not their doctor is well trained. In the case of Denver, there should be no worries. Denver is home to some of the best skin doctors who are eager to give their patients the best care possible.

Denver Derm - Dermatologist in Thornton and Denver provides a complete range of dermatology and cosmetic skin care services such as acne treatment Denver, eczema, wart treatment Denver , Botox Denver, chemical peels, micro dermabrasion, laser treatment Denver to remove facial veins and lots more.

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The Most Common Health and Fitness Goals

By: Amy Jones

It doesn’t have to be a New Year's resolution for one to set goals pertaining to their health and fitness. While participating in regular exercise, losing weight, and eating right are much easier said than done, it is suggested that setting goals in this department should become a gradual process. Since many diets and exercise plans tend to fail, it is highly recommended to start out slow in order to provide the best chances for achievement and success. Below you will find some of the most common goals for health and fitness:

1) Shed Pounds

Every New Years' Eve, millions of people struggle with the goals they have set to lose weight. Whether it is 5, 10, or 50 pounds, losing weight has always been a popular goal high up on the list of many objectives in life. Unfortunately, so many people fail despite all of the diet fads, fat-free snacks, and weight-loss programs. In the end, self-improvement and motivation are some of the key factors that drive people towards weight loss success.

2) Push Yourself

When it comes to health and fitness goals, it is important to keep pushing forward and try new things that aim to boost your overall health. You never want to miss out on the experiences that helps shape a life, tests character, or pushes an individual to learn more about themselves. You never know how high you'll climb a mountain unless you take the time to try. Achievement is a great way to improve the way you view your life and create future goals.

A few examples on pushing yourself to succeed in your weight loss, health, and fitness goals is to attempt a demanding workout plan (such as advanced Taebo), increase the number of miles you walk or run, take up an advanced swimming class, join local sporting competitions, ride your bike to work or the store, and eliminate junk food for a month.

3) Build Muscles

You don’t have to become a bodybuilder to appreciate the self-improvement and achievement of building healthier muscle mass. Not only does lifting light weights or tossing up a few dumbbells help tone the body, but muscles burn more calories than fat. For many, confidence levels and self-esteem skyrockets when results appear. Just remember – in order to stay on track – following your program is a must, which requires a certain level of self-discipline and motivation.

4) Tone the Body

A firm backside or solid thigh and calf muscles are just some of the things that toning the body may accomplish. When working on the curves and appearance of your exterior shell, the things you dread (such as cellulite and extra weight) start to disappear and a more chiseled physique begins to emerge.

5) Drink More Water

The recommended daily intake of water is eight glasses, which should increase when adding heavy exercise to your regular workout routine or during the spring and summer months. For many, it is rather hard to consume desired amounts of water, but there are a few ways to stay on track. Whenever you eat a meal or snack, make sure to consume 1 to 2 glasses of water. When counting your ounces becomes a drag – invest in a water bottle (with known capacity), which helps keep track of your intake.

Learn personal goal setting and business goal setting strategies will help you achieve more this year than you have in the last 5 years combined. Visit

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Saturday, September 1, 2007

Health: Latest Video News

Watch the latest video news on health here. This is a great resource to combine with reading the health articles discussed in this blog. Enjoy and feel free to leave a comment below.